AI is better, stronger, faster at picking stocks for investment

Image credit: Wikimedia

14 Dec, 2021 6:30 PM — 8:30 PM
Goldman Sachs (London) and Online

This house believes that AI is better, stronger, faster at picking stocks for investment. The motion will be proposed by Ed Fishwick, Managing Director, Global Co-Head of Risk & Quantitative Analysis at BlackRock, and opposed by me.

You can register to attend the event online (Zoom) or in person. If you don’t have a pass-code, please DM me and consider subscribing to the LQG mailing list!

Update: Due to Omicron, the event will now be online only.

Update 2: By a narrow margin (57% vs 43%), I won the debate!

Desi R. Ivanova
Desi R. Ivanova
Research Fellow in ML

Research Fellow @OxCSML. Former quant, former former gymnast.